My body of work weaves together feminist thought with my interest in human-centric documentary storytelling.
Throughout films and television series like The Piano, Bright Star, In the Cut and Top of the Lake, Jane Campion has constantly explored gender, subjectivity and narrative representation. In an intensive engagement with her cross-medium career, Bernadette Wegenstein examines how Campion gives a tangible and visible form to the female gaze in her exploration, deployment, and ultimately her subversion of highly formalized genres such as the period piece, the thriller, and the procedural drama.
Keeping a strict focus on her directorial practice and specifically on the capacity of her cinematography to induce both empathy and estrangement, this vital new book shows how Campion is engaged in a permanent artistic and intuitive exposition of a profoundly feminist philosophical vision. Wegenstein's work will be invaluable to scholars and students in gender and women's studies, film studies and those on philosophy and film courses.

Filmmaker. Storyteller.
Writer. Educator.
I received my Ph.D. in Romance Languages and Literatures from Vienna University in 1998 with a dissertation on the representation of AIDS in the media and the Act Up movement. I then studied semiotics at the Università degli studi di Bologna under Umberto Eco, and medical anthropology at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales in Paris. As a post-doc, in 1999, I moved to the United States to study comparative literature and film at Stanford University.
berna@jhu.edu | YouTube Channel

Bernadette Wegenstein's latest book, Radical Equalities and Global Feminist Filmmaking - An Anthology’s main objective is to exhibit and unveil the fruit of the growing movement of feminist filmmakers around the world through interviews with current filmmakers themselves and through critical analysis of the works of these filmmakers. Every filmmaker we examine tells their own story about radical equality from a place that they have lived, are drawing from, or have imagined.
The authors have, to date, conducted 16 interviews with filmmakers from around the world who, in very different ways - at times with comic relief , at times by pointing the cameras back at themselves, at times by inviting the viewer to grieve with them - question radical equality and vulnerability. We have selected these films on the basis of their unique stories and story-telling style, and their diverse points of view referencing different socio-political historical realities around the world. Each of them has one, if not several, female, intersex or non binary characters as their leads; each of them engage us with the question of feminism in a political way that highlights our obligation toward the character and her lived experience. Each of them focuses on “interdependence” as an aesthetic and cinematic principle. But what is most important is the fact that each filmmaker will be able to describe how they found their access and inspiration for their story, and how the film reflects on their own lived experience that is socio-economically and historically determined.
Copies are available at 24% discount (using code CFC5135071E8 on checkout) through Vernon Press or on Amazon.