A Sweet Secret is a two-part film project written and directed by Bernadette Wegenstein.
Documentary Film
In production
The Archives shines a light on Holocaust truths that are at risk of erasure. The hallowed spaces and places of stored memory resound with the voices of the archivists struggling passionately against time and disinformation to uncover, document and preserve the facts.

Narrative Film
In pre-production
A Sweet Secret is the story of Sonia Wachstein’s forced exile and her rediscovery of the feminist play A Sweet Secret from 1927, which she participated in during her childhood in Vienna. Sonia’s journey serves as a feminist narrative of a woman who survived the Holocaust, and shares values about the importance of women’s independence and bodily autonomy. Ultimately, the rediscovery and restaging of the play is a metaphor for the fact that yes, fascism can kill people, but not their ideas.